If you experience the error code M7353-5101 on your computer, it indicates that an extension on your web browser is obstructing Netflix to operate properly. In this article, we will guide you to fix the Netflix error code M7353-5101.
Update Google Chrome
- Click on the ⋮ icon at the top right corner.
- Select Help and then About Google Chrome.
- Chrome will show the current version and automatically update to the latest version.
- Now, click on Relaunch to finish.
- Try streaming on Netflix again.
Restarting your Computer
- Turn off your computer completely and turn it back on.
- Try streaming Netflix.
Disable Chrome extensions
Turning off unnecessary extensions can also solve this issue. Here’s how.
- Type in chrome://extensions on the address bar and hit enter.
- Switch off any enable extensions.
- Now, try streaming on Netflix.
If this procedure resolves the issue, turn on extensions one by one to find the extension preventing Netflix from working properly.